Monday, March 18, 2019

Green Chemistry Essay -- essays research papers

If We Had Known About commonalty Chemistry In 1951, How Would Things Be Different Today?Green Chemistry is the making of chemical products that reduces or eliminates the use and production of hazardous substances in the figure, making, and use of chemical products. It involves the designing and re-designing of chemical creation and chemical products to prevent pollution which will wherefore solve environmental problems. Green Chemistry is environmentally safe and has actually little side effects on human health and the environment.not many hoi polloi issue about Green Chemistry. Yet if we had know about Green Chemistry back around 1951, when the world began to cave in its industries - such as farming, after World War II we wouldnt now be battling things such as damage to the ozone layer, diseases and combat injury to the environment, caused by chemical pesticides and dumping of chemicals into our oceans and other waterways.Not enough people realise the importance of chemical s and green chemistry in everyday life. to the highest degree people think of chemicals as poisonous pesticides and or pollution. But its not. Chemicals can be used to help the environment.If we had known about Green Chemistry earlier many people could have been saved from diseases that were caused by chemical pollution. For example Asbestos is a chemical product used in buildings and trains. It has a hazardous effect on human health. Very bonny dust particles break out of Asbestos products and when breathed in, enters and poisons ...

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